Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blog Post # 11

First Graders in Ms. Cassidy's Class


Ms. Cassidy stresses how times are changing and technology is a necessity in the classroom. Cassidy explains the different ways of using technology in the classroom such as Skype, Videos, Blogs, Wiki, and even the gaming console the Nintendo DS. With the use of the internet in the classroom there are precautions that an educator must take to protect the children from what they are viewing and possible outside threats. The first thing she teaches her students is to never use their last name or a picture that correlates with their name. She also sends a permission slip home with the kids to get their parent consent to use the schools internet. With all of these precautions there are many benefits that come from using technology in the classroom. Students love the fact that their work is being viewed by multiple people online instead of the old fashion way of pen and paper where only the teacher can review it. With the students school work online parents are able to check the progress and progression through the students’ blogger. Blogger is defiantly an excellent source of technology that I would use in the classroom. This allows teachers to change from old styles of teaching such as lectures and note taking. As a parent it is an amazing source to be able to use to follow what their children are learning in school. Skype is another tool that I would like to incorporate into my classroom for multiple. Skype will allow me to communicate with other educators and to have other professors from all around the world talk to my students. Ms. Cassidy has defiantly influenced me to incorporate many different variables of technology in my future classroom.


  1. Hey Duane! I think you did a good job summarizing Mrs. Cassidy's video and interview! She made some very helpful and interesting point about working with technology in the classroom and you seemed to cover all of those, however you didn't give much detail about them. You talked about each point she made, which is great, but you didn't give much background. "Ms. Cassidy stresses how times are changing and technology is a necessity in the classroom." How does this effect the classroom? Give background, this is why teacher are now including technology in the classroom. Kids are so used to this was of life, so in order for them to learn not only to they WANT technology, but they also NEED technology. "Cassidy explains the different ways of using technology in the classroom such as Skype, Videos, Blogs, Wiki, and even the gaming console the Nintendo DS." How does she use these in the classroom? I really liked that you pointed out that students enjoy getting feedback from other people, not just the teacher and fellow students because this is so very true, even for me! I agree, through this video and interview, I have also been influenced to use technology in my classroom on a daily basis! Overall, good job! :)

  2. Hey Duane!
    Great idea to embed one of the skype videos in your post! I like your ideas to use blogger and skype in your future classroom and the fact that you explained why.

    I just had a few suggestions while I was reading:
    You may want to change “schools” to “school’s” on the eighth line.
    You may also want to consider changing the word “defiantly” to “definitely” or “undeniably” in the sentences, “Blogger is defiantly an excellent source of technology that I would use in the classroom,” and “Mrs. Cassidy has defiantly influenced me to incorporate many different variables…” I’m just not sure if “defiantly” makes the best sense there.
    Finally, in the sentence, “This allows teachers to change from old styles of teaching such as lectures and note taking,” you may want to add what these old styles of teaching are changing to, so that your sentence doesn’t come to a sudden stop.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Brief. Go into more detail about how you would use these tools.

  4. Its good to be here, very nice post, the content is amazing, keep posting friend it will be very helpful for everyone, Thanks for sharing. I really liked it.
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